

Directed by Barry Levinsion, Bandits (USA, 2001) is not gonna make you cry or laugh like your run-off-the-mill romantic comedy, even though it provides good laughs.

Note: spoilers are marked in red.

This movie is... smart. It's a different way of 'funny'. It will make you flick your head but it's worth it. Joe Blake (Bruce Willis) and Terry Collins (Billy Bob Thornton) are two friends that are bank robbers. They escape from the prison in the most obvious and predictable way.

After that, they rob a bank to finance their little 'adventure'. The story complicates when Kate Wheeler (Cate Blanchett) appears in their lives: she wants to go bank robbing with them, tired of her poor old life.

The usual plan is simple, with no complications: they go to the bank's manager's house the day before, sleep there, and get the money the day next before the first customers arrive. Using this plan, they got to the top of the FBI's 'wanted' list and become known as "the sleepover robbers".

But they dream of something nice: a margarita bar in Mexico. As the movie goes on, just to complicate even more, Joe AND Terry fall in love with Cate... She can't decide between them so they begin to be a love triangle.

The movie is great, well made, fun, and the end gives you a cool twist. The actors were great and the story is convincing. The way things happen make bank robbing looks simple without loosing any conviction.

I really liked it and I would really recommend. :D

>> iRaphael [4/5]

IMDb link : HERE

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